storedRequestsLimit static method
- @Deprecated('This functions is deprecated, please use "setMaxRequestQueueSize" of CountlyConfig instead')
This flag limits the number of requests that can be stored in the request queue when the Countly server is unavailable or unreachable. If the number of requests in the queue reaches the limit, the oldest requests in the queue will be dropped. Should be called before init. returns the error or success message
@Deprecated('This functions is deprecated, please use "setMaxRequestQueueSize" of CountlyConfig instead')
static Future<String?> storedRequestsLimit() async {
log('Calling "storedRequestsLimit"');
log('storedRequestsLimit is deprecated, use setMaxRequestQueueSize of CountlyConfig instead', logLevel: LogLevel.WARNING);
final String? result = await _channel.invokeMethod('storedRequestsLimit');
return result;