ContextExtensionss extension
- on
- devicePixelRatio → double
similar to MediaQuery.of(this).devicePixelRatio
no setter
- height → double
The same of MediaQuery.of(context).size.height
Note: updates when you rezise your screen (like on a browser or
desktop window)
no setter
- iconColor → Color?
give access to Theme.of(context).iconTheme.color
no setter
- isDarkMode → bool
Check if dark mode theme is enable
no setter
- isLandscape → bool
check if device is on landscape mode
no setter
- isLargeTablet → bool
True if the shortestSide is largest than 720p
no setter
- isPhone → bool
True if the shortestSide is smaller than 600p
no setter
- isPortrait → bool
check if device is on portrait mode
no setter
- isSmallTablet → bool
True if the shortestSide is largest than 600p
no setter
- isTablet → bool
True if the current device is Tablet
no setter
- mediaQuery → MediaQueryData
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).padding
no setter
- mediaQueryPadding → EdgeInsets
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).padding
no setter
- mediaQueryShortestSide → double
get the shortestSide from screen
no setter
- mediaQuerySize → Size
The same of MediaQuery.of(context).size
no setter
- mediaQueryViewInsets → EdgeInsets
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets
no setter
- mediaQueryViewPadding → EdgeInsets
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).viewPadding
no setter
- orientation → Orientation
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).orientation
no setter
True if width be larger than 800
no setter
- textScaleFactor → double
similar to MediaQuery.of(this).textScaleFactor
no setter
- textTheme → TextTheme
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).padding
no setter
- theme → ThemeData
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).padding
no setter
- width → double
The same of MediaQuery.of(context).size.width
Note: updates when you rezise your screen (like on a browser or
desktop window)
no setter
{double dividedBy = 1, double reducedBy = 0.0}) → double - Gives you the power to get a portion of the height. Useful for responsive applications.
{double dividedBy = 1, double reducedByW = 0.0, double reducedByH = 0.0}) → double - Divide the height proportionally by the given value
{double dividedBy = 1, double reducedBy = 0.0}) → double - Gives you the power to get a portion of the width. Useful for responsive applications.