This package has Lots of Small Utility classes, methods and properties for your day to day Flutter coding.

This is a opinionated package with lots of utilities behaving in their own style. Many methods and utilities offer customization. But, few may not.

Please raise MR/PR to me or create an enhancement request at this link. I will modify and push release next version with your requests.


BuildContext Additional methods

  1. MediaQuery.of(context) can be shortened as context.mediaQuery.
  2. Theme.of(context) can be shortened as context.theme
  3. Navigator.of(context) can be shortened as context.navigator
  4. ScaffoldMessenger.of(context) can be shortened as context.scaffoldMessenger

Date utilities

General Utilities

String Additional Methods

Lot of UI Utilies

Widget Additional Methods

WidgetRefresher widget

WidgetReplacer widget

all object Extension

    var obj =