StringConvertExtension extension



asciiEncode() Uint8List
Converts this string into a list of ASCII bytes.
base64Decode() Uint8List
Converts this base64-encoded string into a list of bytes.
base64UrlDecode() Uint8List
Converts this base64url-encoded string into a list of bytes.
escapeHtml() String
Converts this string into something equivalent escaping all characters with special meaning in HTML.
htmlEscapeConvert() String
Converts this string into something equivalent escaping all characters with special meaning in HTML.
jsonDecode({dynamic reviver(Object? key, Object? value)?}) → dynamic
Parses this string and returns the resulting JSON object.
latin1Encode() Uint8List
Coverts this string into a list of Latin 1 bytes.
toAsciiByteList() Uint8List
Converts this string into a list of ASCII bytes.
toBase64ByteList() Uint8List
Converts this base64-encoded string into a list of bytes.
toBase64UrlByteList() Uint8List
Converts this base64url-encoded string into a list of bytes.
toDecodedJson({Object? reviver(Object? key, Object? value)?}) → dynamic
Parses this string and returns the resulting JSON object.
toLatin1ByteList() Uint8List
Coverts this string into a list of Latin 1 bytes.
toUtf8ByteList() Uint8List
Converts this string into a list of UTF-8 code units (bytes).
utf8Encode() Uint8List
Converts this string into a list of UTF-8 code units (bytes).