
A handy flutter package the helps you in converting

  • Decimal to Hex.
  • Hex to Decimal
  • Decimal to Binary.
  • Binary to Decimal.
  • Binary to Hex.
  • Hex to Binary.
  • Decimal to Octal.
  • Degrees, Minutes, Seconds to Decimal Degree.
  • Radians to Degree
  • One's Complement.
  • Two's Complement.

Getting started

Add the package in pubspec.yaml file

To import conversions:

import 'package:conversion/conversion.dart';


  Convert convert = Convert();

To convert from decimal to hex string

convert.decimalToHex(values: [192, 193]); //[c0, c1]

To convert from decimal to binary

convert.decimalToBinary(values: [192, 193]); //[11000000, 11000001]

To convert from binary to decimal

convert.binaryTodecimal(values: ['100', '101']); //[4, 5]

To convert from binary to hex

convert.binaryToHex(values: ['11000000']); //[c0]

To convert from hex to binary

convert.hexToBinary(values: ['c0']); //[11000000]

To convert from decimal to octal

convert.decimalToOctal(values: [192, 193]); //[300, 301]

To convert from hex string to decimal

convert.hexToDecimal(hexString: ['c0', 'c1']); //[192, 193]

To find one's complement

convert.findOnesComplement(binary: '011'); // 100

To find two's complement

convert.findTwosComplement(binary: '0111'); // 1001

convert degree, min, seconds to decimal degree

convert.toDecimalDegree(degree: 30, minutes: 15, seconds: 50));; // 30.26388888888889

To convert radians to degree

convert.radiansToDegree(radians: 2); // 114.59155902616465

Additional information

I will be adding more features in next set of versions. Anyone can contribute & make this package more flexible.

You can connect with me at

LinkedIn gmail: mkarthik556@gmail.com

