ContractsGeneratorConfig.fromYaml constructor

  1. String yaml


factory ContractsGeneratorConfig.fromYaml(String yaml) {
  final config = mergeMaps<dynamic, dynamic>(
    loadYaml(defaultYamlConfig) as Map,
    loadYaml(yaml) as Map,

  final dynamic name = config['name'];
  final dynamic include = config['include'];
  final dynamic output = config['output'];
  final dynamic directives = config['directives'];
  final dynamic extra = config['extra'];

  if (name is! String) {
    throw ArgumentError('`name` field has to be a string');
  if (include is! String) {
    throw ArgumentError('`include` field has to be a string');
  if (output is! String) {
    throw ArgumentError('`output` field has to be a string');
  if (directives is! String) {
    throw ArgumentError('`directives` field has to be a string');
  if (extra is! String) {
    throw ArgumentError('`extra` field has to be a string');

  return ContractsGeneratorConfig(
    input: _configure(config),
    name: name,
    include: RegExp(include),
    output: Directory(output),
    directives: directives,
    extra: extra,