A plugin to use Contensquare in webview_flutter webviews.

This plugin supports Android and iOS.


This plugin exposes a custom implementation of the Webview tracking feature which tracks webview_flutter package webviews without having to reimplement the tracker.

This package is not required to track these webviews but offers a convenient wrapper around the base ContentsquareWebViewTrackerBuilder class.

Getting started

This package relies on the contentsquare plugin, and does not need any additionnal configuration.

To see how to configure the contentsquare plugin, see the documentation.


  builder: (context, tracker) {
    return WebView(
      initialUrl: 'https://your_tracked_webview.com',
      javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted,
      onWebViewCreated: tracker.onWebViewCreated,
      javascriptChannels: tracker.javascriptChannels,
      onPageFinished: tracker.onPageFinished