maxContentLengthValidator function

Middleware maxContentLengthValidator({
  1. required int maxContentLength,
  2. Response? errorResponse,

Middleware which will block to big requests.

maxContentLength Is the maximum allowed content length in bytes.

errorStatus Is the Http status code which will be returned if content length is too large. The default status code is 400. You can find more here:

errorMessage is the message which will be sent to the client if the content is too large.


Middleware maxContentLengthValidator({
  required int maxContentLength,
  Response? errorResponse,
}) {
  return (innerHandler) {
    return (request) {
      final contentLength = request.contentLength ?? 0;
      if (contentLength > maxContentLength) {
        return errorResponse ??
              body: 'Invalid payload; too big',
      return innerHandler(request);