toMap method

Map<String, dynamic> toMap()

Creates a Map<String, dynamic> map representation of this instance.

This can be useful for saving the instance in a database.


Map<String, dynamic> toMap() => <String, dynamic>{
      _addressesKey: [
        for (Address address in addresses) address.toMap(),
      _birthdayKey: birthday?.toIso8601String(),
      _chatsKey: [
        for (Chat chat in chats) chat.toMap(),
      _customFieldsKey: [
        for (CustomField customField in customFields) customField.toMap(),
      _emailsKey: [
        for (Email email in emails) email.toMap(),
      _eventsKey: [
        for (ContactEvent event in events) event.toMap(),
      _internetCallsKey: [
        for (InternetCall internetCall in internetCalls) internetCall.toMap(),
      _jobsKey: [
        for (Job job in jobs) job.toMap(),
      _nameKey: name.toMap(),
      _notesKey: notes,
      _phonesKey: [
        for (Phone phone in phones) phone.toMap(),
      _relationshipsKey: [
        for (Relationship relationship in relationships) relationship.toMap(),
      _websitesKey: [
        for (Website website in websites) website.toMap(),