getQueryString function

String getQueryString(
  1. Map params, {
  2. String prefix = '&',
  3. bool inRecursion = false,

Returns query parameters string, e.g. application_id=774&auth_key=aY7WwSRmu2-GbfA&nonce=1451135156 This function is more suitable for php API servers. Try the getUriQueryString if the server returns errors related to the syntax of the query string


String getQueryString(Map params,
    {String prefix = '&', bool inRecursion = false}) {
  String query = '';

  params.forEach((key, value) {
    if (inRecursion) {
      key = Uri.encodeComponent('[$key]');

    if (value is String || value is int || value is double || value is bool) {
      query += '$prefix$key=${Uri.encodeComponent(value.toString())}';
    } else if (value is List || value is Set || value is Map) {
      if (value is Set) {
        value = value.toList().asMap();
      } else if (value is List) {
        value = value.asMap();

      value.forEach((k, v) {
        query +=
            getQueryString({k: v}, prefix: '$prefix$key', inRecursion: true);

  return inRecursion || query.isEmpty
      ? query
      : query.substring(1, query.length);