updateConfig method

Future<void> updateConfig({
  1. String? ringtone,
  2. String? icon,
  3. @Deprecated('Use `AndroidManifest.xml` meta-data instead') String? notificationIcon,
  4. String? color,

Sets the additional configs for the Call notification ringtone - the name of the ringtone source (for Anfroid it should be placed by path 'res/raw', for iOS it is a name of ringtone) icon - the name of image in the drawable folder for Android and the name of Assests set for iOS notificationIcon - the name of the image in the drawable folder, uses as Notification Small Icon for Android, ignored for iOS color - the color in the format '#RRGGBB', uses as an Android Notification accent color, ignored for iOS


Future<void> updateConfig(
    {String? ringtone,
    String? icon,
    @Deprecated('Use `AndroidManifest.xml` meta-data instead')
    String? notificationIcon,
    String? color}) {
  if (!Platform.isAndroid && !Platform.isIOS) return Future.value();

  return _methodChannel.invokeMethod('updateConfig', {
    'ringtone': ringtone,
    'icon': icon,
    'notification_icon': notificationIcon,
    'color': color,