SocketTransport constructor

  1. String _host,
  2. int _port,
  3. AbstractSerializer _serializer,
  4. int _serializerType, {
  5. dynamic ssl = false,
  6. dynamic allowInsecureCertificates = false,
  7. dynamic messageLengthExponent = SocketHelper.maxMessageLengthExponent,

This creates a socket transport instance. The messageLengthExponent configures the max message length that will be excepted to be send and received. It is negotiated with the router and may lead into a lower value that messageLengthExponent if the router only supports shorter messages. The message length is calculated by 2^messageLengthExponent


    this._host, this._port, this._serializer, this._serializerType,
    {ssl = false,
    allowInsecureCertificates = false,
    messageLengthExponent = SocketHelper.maxMessageLengthExponent})
    : assert(_serializerType == SocketHelper.serializationJson ||
          _serializerType == SocketHelper.serializationMsgpack ||
          _serializerType == SocketHelper.serializationCbor) {
  _ssl = ssl;
  _allowInsecureCertificates = allowInsecureCertificates;
  _messageLengthExponent = messageLengthExponent;