connectanum library
- Abort
- The WAMP Abort massage
- AbstractMessage
- all WAMP messages have an id, this abstract message provides this default existing field
- AbstractSerializer
- The custom serializer interface
- AbstractTransport
- Broker
- BrokerFeatures
- Call
- The WAMP Call massage
- Callee
- CalleeFeatures
- Caller
- CallerFeatures
- CallOptions
- Options used influence the call behavior
- Cancel
- The WAMP Call massage
- CancelOptions
- Challenge
- The WAMP Challenge massage
- Client
- ClientConnectOptions
- Dealer
- DealerFeatures
- Details
- Error
- The WAMP Error massage
- Event
- EventDetails
- Options used influence the event behavior
- Extra
- Challenge values to check the authentication validity
- Goodbye
- GoodbyeMessage
- Invocation
- InvocationDetails
- Message
- The message structure defined by the WAMP-Protocol
- Publish
- Published
- Publisher
- PublisherFeatures
- PublishOptions
- Register
- Registered
- RegisterOptions
- Result
- ResultDetails
- Roles
- Session
- Subscribe
- Used to subscribe to a topic
- Subscribed
- Is returned by the subscription process
- SubscribeOptions
- Used to either define advanced router options such a prefix or wildcard matching or subsciption retention. One may also add custom options, Those custom options need to be added with a custom serializer because flutter disables reflections.
- Subscriber
- SubscriberFeatures
- Unregister
- Unregistered
- Unsubscribe
- Unsubscribed
- UnsubscribedDetails
- WebSocketSerialization
- WebSocketTransport
- This is a mock class to provide a unified interface for js and native usage of this package