hello method
This method is called by the session to modify the hello details
a given realm
. This method generates the authExtra
'nonce' value and
starts the timeout to cancel the challenge if it took exceptionally long
to receive
Future<void> hello(String? realm, Details details) {
var random = Random.secure();
var nonceBytes = [for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) random.nextInt(256)];
if (details.authid != null) {
details.authid = Saslprep.saslprep(details.authid!);
_authid = details.authid;
details.authextra ??= <String, dynamic>{};
details.authextra!['nonce'] = base64.encode(nonceBytes);
details.authextra!['channel_binding'] = null;
_helloNonce = details.authextra!['nonce'];
Future.delayed(_challengeTimeout, () => _helloNonce = null);
return Future.value();