publish method

Future<Published?> publish(
  1. String topic, {
  2. List? arguments,
  3. Map<String, dynamic>? argumentsKeywords,
  4. PublishOptions? options,

This publishes an event to a topic with the given arguments and argumentsKeywords.


Future<Published?> publish(String topic,
    {List<dynamic>? arguments,
    Map<String, dynamic>? argumentsKeywords,
    PublishOptions? options}) {
  var pubArguments = arguments;
  var pubArgumentsKeywords = argumentsKeywords;

  if (options?.pptScheme == 'wamp') {
    // It's E2EE payload
    pubArguments =
        E2EEPayload.packE2EEPayload(arguments, argumentsKeywords, options!);
    pubArgumentsKeywords = null;
  } else if (options?.pptScheme != null) {
    // It's some variation of PPT
    pubArguments =
        PPTPayload.packPPTPayload(arguments, argumentsKeywords, options!);
    pubArgumentsKeywords = null;

  var publish = Publish(nextPublishId++, topic,
      arguments: pubArguments,
      argumentsKeywords: pubArgumentsKeywords,
      options: options);
  if (options?.acknowledge == null || options?.acknowledge == false) {
    return Future.value(null);
  var publishStream = {
    if (message is Published &&
        message.publishRequestId == publish.requestId) {
      return true;
    if (message is Error &&
        message.requestTypeId == MessageTypes.codePublish &&
        message.requestId == publish.requestId) {
      throw message;
    return false;
  return publishStream.first;