Worldline Connect - Flutter SDK

The Worldline Connect Flutter SDK provides a convenient way to support a large number of payments methods inside your Flutter app. It is Dart 3 compatible out of the box.

See the Worldline Connect Developer Hub for more information on how to use the SDK.

Installation via

Add the SDK to your app by adding the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file, where x.y.z is the version number:

        # other dependencies
        connect_sdk_client_flutter: ^x.y.z

Afterwards, run the following command: flutter pub get


The connect_sdk_client_flutter library is a Flutter plugin that allows Flutter apps for Android and iOS to integrate with the Connect Gateway. It does this by providing a bridge between the Flutter codebase and the existing Android/Swift native SDKs. This bridge is structured similar to the structure of the Android and Swift SDK. ConnectSDK provides an entrypoint into the SDK. This needs to be initialized using a ConnectSDKConfiguration and a PaymentConfiguration. After initialization, execute API calls using the ClientApi or prepare a payment using ConnectSDK.encryptPaymentRequest