transaction<T> method

  1. @override
Future<T?> transaction<T>(
  1. ManagedContext transactionContext,
  2. Future<T?> transactionBlock(
    1. ManagedContext transaction


Future<T?> transaction<T>(
  ManagedContext transactionContext,
  Future<T?> Function(ManagedContext transaction) transactionBlock,
) async {
  final dbConnection = await getDatabaseConnection();

  T? output;
  Rollback? rollback;
  try {
    await dbConnection.transaction((dbTransactionContext) async {
      transactionContext.persistentStore =

      try {
        output = await transactionBlock(transactionContext);
      } on Rollback catch (e) {
        /// user triggered a manual rollback.
        /// TODO: there is currently no reliable way for a user to detect
        /// that a manual rollback occured.
        /// The documented method of checking the return value from this method
        /// does not work.
        rollback = e;
        dbTransactionContext.cancelTransaction(reason: rollback!.reason);
  } on PostgreSQLException catch (e) {
    final interpreted = _interpretException(e);
    if (interpreted != null) {
      throw interpreted;


  if (rollback != null) {
    throw rollback!;

  return output;