greaterThan method

QueryExpressionJunction<T, InstanceType> greaterThan(
  1. T value

Adds a 'greater than' expression to a query.

A query will only return objects where the selected property is greater than value.

This method can be used on int, String, double and DateTime types. For DateTime properties, this method selects rows where the assigned property is 'later than' value. For String properties, rows are selected if the value is alphabetically 'after' value.


  var query = new Query<Employee>()
    ..where((e) => e.salary).greaterThan(60000);


QueryExpressionJunction<T, InstanceType> greaterThan(T value) {
  expression = ComparisonExpression(value, PredicateOperator.greaterThan);

  return _createJunction();