documentOperations method

  1. @override
Map<String, APIOperation> documentOperations(
  1. APIDocumentContext context,
  2. String route,
  3. APIPath path

Tells this object to return all APIOperations it handles.

You implement this method to create or modify APIOperation objects that describe the HTTP operations that a controller handles. Each controller in the channel, starting with the entry point, have this method.

By default, a controller returns the operations created by its linked controllers.

Endpoint controllers should override this method to create a Map of APIOperation objects, where the key is a String representation of the status code the response is for. Example:

  Map<String, APIOperation> documentOperations(APIDocumentContext context, APIPath path) {
    if (path.containsPathParameters(['id'])) {
      return {
        "get": APIOperation("Get one thing", {
          "200": APIResponse(...)

    return {
      "get": APIOperation("Get some things", {
        "200": APIResponse(...)

Middleware controllers should override this method to call the superclass' implementation (which gathers the operation objects from an endpoint controller) and then modify those operations before returning them.

  Map<String, APIOperation> documentOperations(APIDocumentContext context, APIPath path) {
    final ops = super.documentOperation(context, path);

    // add x-api-key header parameter to each operation
    ops.values.forEach((op) {
      op.addParameter(new APIParameter.header("x-api-key, schema: new APISchemaObject.string()));

    return ops;


Map<String, APIOperation> documentOperations(
  APIDocumentContext context,
  String route,
  APIPath path,
) {
  final operations = super.documentOperations(context, route, path);

  operations.forEach((_, op) { = [
      APISecurityRequirement({"oauth2-client-authentication": []})

  final relativeUri = Uri(path: route.substring(1));
  authServer.documentedAuthorizationCodeFlow.tokenURL = relativeUri;
  authServer.documentedAuthorizationCodeFlow.refreshURL = relativeUri;

  authServer.documentedPasswordFlow.tokenURL = relativeUri;
  authServer.documentedPasswordFlow.refreshURL = relativeUri;

  return operations;