parser property

ArgParser parser


static final parser = ArgParser()
    abbr: "a",
    help: "The address to listen on. See HttpServer.bind for more details."
        " Using the default will listen on any address.",
    abbr: "c",
        "The path to a configuration file. This File is available in the ApplicationOptions "
        "for a ApplicationChannel to use to read application-specific configuration values. Relative paths are relative to [directory].",
    defaultsTo: "config.yaml",
    abbr: "n",
    help: "Number of isolates handling requests.",
    abbr: "p",
    help: "The port number to listen for HTTP requests on.",
    defaultsTo: "8888",
    help: "Limits listening to IPv6 connections only.",
    negatable: false,
        "The path to an SSL certicate file. If provided along with --ssl-certificate-path, the application will be HTTPS-enabled.",
        "The path to an SSL private key file. If provided along with --ssl-certificate-path, the application will be HTTPS-enabled.",
    help: "Number of seconds to wait to ensure startup succeeded.",
    defaultsTo: "45",