decodeObjects<T extends Coding> method

List<T?>? decodeObjects<T extends Coding>(
  1. String key,
  2. T? inflate()

Returns a list of Ts associated with key.

inflate must create an empty instance of T. The value associated with key must be a ListArchive (a List of Map). For each element of the archived list, inflate is invoked and each object in the archived list is decoded into the instance of T.


List<T?>? decodeObjects<T extends Coding>(String key, T? Function() inflate) {
  final val = _getValue(key);
  if (val == null) {
    return null;
  if (val is! List) {
    throw ArgumentError(
      "Cannot decode key '$key' as 'List<$T>', because value is not a List. Actual value: '$val'.",

  return => _decodedObject(v as KeyedArchive?, inflate)).toList().cast<T?>();