updateToken abstract method

FutureOr updateToken(
  1. AuthServer server,
  2. String? oldAccessToken,
  3. String? newAccessToken,
  4. DateTime? newIssueDate,
  5. DateTime? newExpirationDate,

Must update AuthToken with [newAccessToken, [newIssueDate, newExpirationDate.

This method must must update an existing AuthToken, found by oldAccessToken, with the values newAccessToken, newIssueDate and newExpirationDate.

You may alter the token in addition to the provided values, and you may override the provided values. newAccessToken defaults to a random 32 character string.


FutureOr updateToken(
  AuthServer server,
  String? oldAccessToken,
  String? newAccessToken,
  DateTime? newIssueDate,
  DateTime? newExpirationDate,