Validate.absent constructor

const Validate.absent({
  1. bool onUpdate = true,
  2. bool onInsert = true,

A validator for ensuring a property does not have a value when being inserted or updated.

This metadata requires that a property must NOT be set in Query.values before an update or insert.

This validation is used to restrict input during either an insert or update query. For example, a 'dateCreated' property would use this validator to ensure that property isn't set during an update.

  @Validate.absent(onUpdate: true, onInsert: false)
  DateTime dateCreated;

If onUpdate is true (the default), this validation requires a property to be absent for update queries. If onInsert is true (the default), this validation requires a property to be absent for insert queries.


const Validate.absent({bool onUpdate = true, bool onInsert = true})
    : this._(
        onUpdate: onUpdate,
        onInsert: onInsert,
        validator: ValidateType.absent,