start static method

void start(
  1. Map<String, WorkLauncher> workers,
  2. String mainWorkerName, {
  3. bool useWorkers = true,
  4. String launchUrl = 'main.dart.js',

Starts the provided set of named workers and passes each one an instance of Concur that is capable of communicating with the other workers. The named main worker is the only worker guaranteed to have access to the DOM.

Set useWorkers to false to run everything in the main thread instead of using Web Workers. This option is there to make it easier to run your application with 'webdev serve'. Don't forget to set it back to true for a release, or you won't actually use multiple threads, which is the whole reason you downloaded this package in the first place! Workers will only work correctly in a single-threaded environment if they all avoid blocking the event loop.

Concur is designed to run all workers from the same source, and normally that source is 'main.dart.js'. If your main source file has a different name, you can override the launchUrl parameter to specify this.


static void start(Map<String, WorkLauncher> workers, String mainWorkerName,
    {bool useWorkers = true, String launchUrl = 'main.dart.js'}) {
  if (!workers.containsKey(mainWorkerName)) {
    throw ArgumentError(
        'Concur fatal error: Main worker "$mainWorkerName" has no launcher '
        'in the workers collection.  You must provide a launcher so that the '
        'main worker has something to do.');

  // Use the keys of the worker map to validate later invocations to the
  // Concur object.
  var validWorkers = workers.keys.toSet();

  // Only try to use workers if asked to do so and they are supported.
  if (useWorkers && Worker.supported) {
    // Web Workers enabled, this is where it gets interesting!
    // This block runs for each worker, but we use magic to figure out which
    // one is on the main thread and which ones need to wait for an identity
    // to be assigned to them.
    if (isWorkerThread) {
      // This is a worker thread because the window object is null.
      // Set up a control buffer to allow us to defer some message handlers
      // until the worker Concur instance is initialized.
      var controlBuffer =

      // Listen for an identity message to tell this worker which task it runs
      // before actually trying to start it.
      controlBuffer.addHandler('identity', (x) {
        var identity =['identity'] as String;

        // We now know which worker we are implementing, create the worker
        // Concur instance and initialize it.
        var workerConcur =
            WorkerConcur(identity, validWorkers, controlBuffer);

        // Launch the worker task with this Concur instance.

    // This is the main thread because the window object is not null.
    // Allocate workers for each child.
    var childWorkers = {
      for (var x in workers.keys.where((x) => x != mainWorkerName))
        x: Worker(launchUrl)

    // Set up the main Concur instance that relays control messages between
    // itself and the child workers.  It will also assign child worker
    // identities.
    var mainConcur = MainConcur(mainWorkerName, validWorkers, childWorkers);

    // Launch the main worker task using the main Concur instance.

  // Not using Web Workers, set up a single global message exchange that will
  // use local Streams to share data.
  var controllers = <String, Map<String, StreamController<MessageEvent>>>{};

  // Each local Concur instance shares the same stream controller lookup,
  // which is safe since we're single-threaded here.
  workers.keys.forEach((x) {
    var localConcur = LocalConcur(x, validWorkers, controllers);
    Future.microtask(() => workers[x]!(localConcur));