Components Toolbox

A basic Toolbox for Flutter components with AppDelegate to manage the light and dark theme.

Getting Started

To use this class, you need to add the following dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

    sdk: flutter
  components_toolbox: ^3.0.1

Then, you need to import the class in your file:

import 'package:components_toolbox/components_toolbox.dart';


light.png dark.png

The toolbox class has the following components:

  • Rounded Container: A container with rounded corners.
  • Text Field: A text field with a label.
  • Rounded Button: A button with a label (and an icon).
  • Text Button: A button with a label.
  • Markdown Text: A text that can parse markdown.
  • Carousel: A carousel that can be embedded on any component.
  • Custom Navigation Bar: A custom navigation bar with a title and a back button.
  • Loader: A loader that can be embedded on any component.