Complaints package helps people to file complaints , they can provide Complaint type , location and details about the Complaint.


  • Complaints Pages: The package includes several pages like complaints_type.dart, complaints_location.dart, complaints_details.dart that provide the user interface for Filing Complaint.
  • Complaints Blocs: It provides various BLoCs Like ComplaintsInboxBloc,ComplaintsRegistrationBloc for state management using the BLoC pattern. These BLoCs handle the business logic for Filing Complaints.
  • Complaints Models: It defines various data models like PgrAddressModel, PgrComplaintModel, PgrServiceModel etc. used in the attendance management process.
  • Complaints Repositories: The package provides abstract classes for data repositories, PgrServiceLocalRepository, PgrServiceRemoteRepository, which can be extended to create repositories for different complaint models.

Getting started

To use this package, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  complaints: ^any


To Navigate to any screens of the package:

First add complaint_router to your main app router

Navigate to the required screen using the below code:


Complaints package requires below data to be passed from main app:

    String? tenantId;
    String? loggedInUserUuid;
    String? userMobileNumber;
    String? loggedInUserName;
    List<String>? complaintTypes;
    String? userName;