setFormFieldHighlight method

Future<void> setFormFieldHighlight(
  1. bool isFormFieldHighlight

Sets background color of reader. The color of each document space will be set to 75% of color transparency


await _controller.setReadBackgroundColor(Colors.white);

Get background color of reader.


Color color = await _controller.getReadBackgroundColor();

Sets whether to display highlight Form Field. isFormFieldHighlight : true to display highlight Form Field.




// Future<void> setReadBackgroundColor(Color color) async {
//   await _channel.invokeMethod('set_read_background_color', color.toHex());
// }

/// Get background color of reader.
/// example:
/// ```dart
/// Color color = await _controller.getReadBackgroundColor();
/// ```
// Future<Color> getReadBackgroundColor() async {
//   String hexColor = await _channel.invokeMethod('get_read_background_color');
//   return HexColor.fromHex(hexColor);
// }

/// Sets whether to display highlight Form Field.
/// [isFormFieldHighlight] : true to display highlight Form Field.
/// example:
/// ```dart
/// _controller.setFormFieldHighlight(true);
/// ```
Future<void> setFormFieldHighlight(bool isFormFieldHighlight) async {
  await _channel.invokeMethod(
      'set_form_field_highlight', isFormFieldHighlight);