
A command-line application built with Dart that generates git commit messages using OpenAI's ChatGPT. This app runs git diff in the current working directory, sends the output to ChatGPT, and presents multiple commit message suggestions. The user can then choose a message, and the app will commit the changes using the selected message.


Run without compiling

dart run lib/commitflow.dart


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Compile the app to a native executable:
dart compile exe lib/commitflow.dart -o build/commitflow


  1. Set your OpenAI API key:
./commitflow --set_api_key

You'll be prompted to enter your API key, which will be saved to a local file for future use.

  1. Run the app to generate a commit message and commit the changes:

The app will display multiple commit message suggestions based on the git diff output. Choose a message and the app will commit the changes using the selected message.

Optional arguments

  • --help or -h: Display help information.
./commitflow --help
  • --show_diff or -d: Show the git diff output.
./commitflow --show_diff


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

