setDidDocument static method

Future<TransactionResult> setDidDocument(
  1. DidDocument didDocument,
  2. Wallet wallet, {
  3. StdFee? fee,
  4. BroadcastingMode? mode,
  5. Client? client,

Performs a transaction setting the specified didDocument as being associated with the address present inside the specified wallet. Optionally fee and broadcasting mode parameters can be specified.


static Future<TransactionResult> setDidDocument(
  DidDocument didDocument,
  Wallet wallet, {
  StdFee? fee,
  BroadcastingMode? mode,
  http.Client? client,
}) {
  final msg = MsgSetDidDocument(didDocument: didDocument);
  return TxHelper.createSignAndSendTx(
    fee: fee,
    mode: mode,
    client: client,