split function

List<String> split(
  1. String command

Splits given command into a list of individual parts suitable for using with Process.start or Process.run.

Example: split('bash -c "uname -a"'); => bash, -c, "uname -a"


List<String> split(String command) {
  final ret = <String>[];
  command = command.trim();
  while (command.isNotEmpty) {
    var regexp = RegExp(r"""[^'"-\s]+""");
    if (command[0] == '-') {
      regexp = RegExp(r"""--?[^'"-\s]+""");
    } else if (command[0] == "'") {
      regexp = RegExp(r"""'[^']+'""");
    } else if (command[0] == '"') {
      regexp = RegExp(r'''"[^"]+"''');

    final match = regexp.matchAsPrefix(command);
    if (match != null) {
      var part = command.substring(match.start, match.end);
      command = command.substring(match.end).trim();
    } else {
      throw Exception('Cannot parse $command');
  return ret;