
Commander is a Dart library for creating user interfaces within the terminal.

It provides interactive components such as option selection and text input with advanced management of user input.


To use Commander in your Dart project, add this to your pubspec.yaml file :

  commander_ui: ^1.8.0

Then run pub get to install the dependencies.


Input component

A simple example of using Commander to create an input component :

  • ✅ Placeholder
  • ✅ Validator with error message as callback
  • ✅ Default value
Future<void> main() async {
  final input = Input(
      answer: 'Please give us your name',
      placeholder: 'firstname lastname',
      validate: (value) =>
      switch(value) {
        String value when value
            .isNotEmpty => Ok(null),
        _ => Err('Please provide a valid name')
  print(await input.handle());

Select component

A simple example of using Commander to create an option selection component :

  • ✅ Placeholder
  • ✅ Searchable values
  • ✅ Selected line custom style
  • ✅ Unselected line custom style
  • ✅ Display transformer
  • ✅ Max display count (default as 5)
Future<void> main() async {
  final select = Select(
      answer: "Please select your best hello",
      options: List.generate(20, (index) => Item('${index + 1}. Hello World', index + 1)),
      placeholder: 'Type to filter',
      selectedLineStyle: (line) => '${'❯')} ${AsciiColors.lightCyan(line)}',
      unselectedLineStyle: (line) => '  $line',
      onDisplay: (item) =>,
      displayCount: 4

  final selected = switch(await select.handle()) {
    Ok(:final value) => 'My value is ${value.value}',
    Err(:final error) => Exception('Error: $error'),
    _ => 'Unknown',


Switching component

A simple example of using Commander to create a switch component :

Future<void> main() async {
  final component = Switch(
    answer: 'Do you love cat ?',
    defaultValue: false,
  final value = await component.handle();
  final result = switch(value) {
    Ok(:final value) => value.value 
      ? 'I love cat 😍' 
      : 'I hate cat 😕',
    Err(:final error) => Exception('Error: $error'),
    _ => 'Unknown',

Delayed component

A simple example of using Commander to create a delayed component :

Future<void> main() async {
  final delayed = Delayed();
  delayed.step('Fetching data from remote api...');
  await wait();
  delayed.step('Find remote location...');
  await wait();
  delayed.step('Extract data...');
  await wait();
  delayed.success('Data are available !');

Future<void> wait() =>
    Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: Random().nextInt(3) + 1));

Progress component

A simple example of using Commander to create a progress component :

void main() async {
  final progress = Progress(max: 50);

  for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { [Print('Downloading file ${i + 1}/50...')]);
    await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 50));

  progress.done(message: [
    Print(' Download complete!')

Checkbox component

A simple example of using Commander to create a checkbox component :

Future<void> main() async {
  final checkbox = Checkbox(
    answer: 'What is your favorite pet ?',
    options: ['cat', 'dog', 'bird'],

  final value = await checkbox.handle();

Table component

A simple example of using Commander to create a table component :

  • ✅ Without column and line borders
  • ✅ With column and line borders
  • ✅ With column borders and without line borders
  • ✅ With line borders and without column borders
Future<void> main() async {
    columns: ['Name', 'Age', 'Country', 'City'],
    lineSeparator: false,
    columnSeparator: false,
    data: [
      ['Alice', '20', 'USA', 'New York'],
      ['Bob', '25', 'Canada', 'Toronto'],
      ['Charlie', '30', 'France', 'Paris'],
      ['David', '35', 'Germany', 'Berlin'],
      ['Eve', '40', 'Italy', 'Rome'],
      ['Frank', '45', 'Japan', 'Tokyo'],
      ['John', '50', 'China', 'Beijing'],

Alternative screen component

A simple example of using Commander to create an alternative screen component :

  • ✅ Set title
  • ✅ Clear screen on start
  • ✅ Restore screen on stop
Future<void> main() async {
  final screen = AlternateScreen(title: 'Hello World !');

  print('Hello World !');

  await wait();

Future<void> wait() =>
    Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: Random().nextInt(3) + 1));

