enterPIPMode static method

void enterPIPMode({
  1. required dynamic onSuccess(
    1. String onSuccess
  2. required dynamic onError(
    1. CometChatCallsException excep

Enters picture-in-picture mode.

  • onSuccess: A callback function that is called when the call is successfully entered into picture-in-picture mode.
  • onError: A callback function that is called when an error occurs while entering the call into picture-in-picture mode.

Example: CometChatCalls.enterPIPMode( onSuccess: (message) { // The call was successfully entered into picture-in-picture mode. }, onError: (error) { // An error occurred while entering the call into picture-in-picture mode. }, );


static void enterPIPMode({
  required Function(String onSuccess) onSuccess,
  required Function(CometChatCallsException excep) onError
}) {
  CometchatcallsPluginPlatform.instance.enterPIPMode(onSuccess, onError);