muteConversations static method

Future<String?> muteConversations(
  1. List<MutedConversation> muteConversations, {
  2. dynamic onSuccess(
    1. String response
  3. dynamic onError(
    1. CometChatException e

Mutes the specified conversations for the logged-in user.

This method asynchronously sends a request to the CometChat server to mute the provided list of conversations. Upon a successful mute operation, onSuccess is invoked with a success response. If an error occurs, onError is called with a CometChatException.

Returns a Future<String?> which completes with a success response if the operation is successful, or null if an error occurs.


static Future<String?> muteConversations(
    List<MutedConversation> muteConversations,
    {Function(String response)? onSuccess,
    Function(CometChatException e)? onError}) async {
  try {
    Map<int, dynamic> map = <int, dynamic>{};
    for (int i = 0; i < muteConversations.length; i++) {
      map[i] = muteConversations[i].toMap();
    final result = await channel.invokeMethod('muteConversations', map);
    if (onSuccess != null) onSuccess(result);
    return result;
  } on PlatformException catch (p) {
    _errorCallbackHandler(null, p, null, onError);
  } catch (e) {
    _errorCallbackHandler(null, null, e, onError);
  return null;