BaseMessage class

Represents a basic chat message.

This class serves as a base class for more specific types of messages, such as text messages, media messages, action messages, etc.

Each BaseMessage includes a variety of properties, including sender information, receiver information, timestamps, and more. Among the properties are some specifically designed for more advanced message types, such as unreadRepliesCount for counting unread reply messages, and reactions for storing reactions added to the message.



BaseMessage({int id = 0, String muid = '', User? sender, AppEntity? receiver, required String receiverUid, required String type, required String receiverType, String category = '', DateTime? sentAt, DateTime? deliveredAt, required DateTime? readAt, Map<String, dynamic>? metadata, DateTime? readByMeAt, DateTime? deliveredToMeAt, DateTime? deletedAt, DateTime? editedAt, String? deletedBy, String? editedBy, DateTime? updatedAt, String? conversationId, int parentMessageId = 0, int replyCount = 0, int unreadRepliesCount = 0, List<User> mentionedUsers = const [], List<ReactionCount> reactions = const [], bool? hasMentionedMe})
Constructs a new BaseMessage instance.
BaseMessage.fromMap(dynamic map)
Creates a new BaseMessage instance from a map.


category String
getter/setter pair
conversationId String?
getter/setter pair
deletedAt DateTime?
getter/setter pair
deletedBy String?
getter/setter pair
deliveredAt DateTime?
getter/setter pair
deliveredToMeAt DateTime?
getter/setter pair
editedAt DateTime?
getter/setter pair
editedBy String?
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasMentionedMe bool?
getter/setter pair
id int
getter/setter pair
mentionedUsers List<User>
getter/setter pair
metadata Map<String, dynamic>?
getter/setter pair
muid String
getter/setter pair
parentMessageId int
getter/setter pair
reactions List<ReactionCount>
getter/setter pair
readAt DateTime?
getter/setter pair
readByMeAt DateTime?
getter/setter pair
receiver AppEntity?
getter/setter pair
receiverType String
getter/setter pair
receiverUid String
getter/setter pair
replyCount int
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sender User?
getter/setter pair
sentAt DateTime?
getter/setter pair
type String
getter/setter pair
unreadRepliesCount int
getter/setter pair
updatedAt DateTime?
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Generates a map representing the BaseMessage.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.