sendMediaMessage static method
- MediaMessage mediaMessage, {
- required dynamic onSuccess(
- MediaMessage message
- required dynamic onError(
- CometChatException excep
send a media message like photos, videos & files.
The file path object to be sent, need to prefix the path with 'file://' for IOS.
type of the message that needs to be sent image,video,audio,file
Group or User class from which UID and GUID will be fetched according to need.
ype of the receiver to whom the message is to be sent user,group
On success, you will receive an object of the MediaMessage class containing all the information related to the sent media message.
The method could throw PlatformException with error codes specifying the cause
static Future<MediaMessage?> sendMediaMessage(MediaMessage mediaMessage,
{required Function(MediaMessage message)? onSuccess,
required Function(CometChatException excep)? onError}) async {
try {
bool hasAttachment = false;
String? attachmentFileName;
String? attchemntFileExtension;
String? attachmentFileUrl;
String? attachmentMimeType;
if (mediaMessage.attachment != null) {
hasAttachment = true;
attachmentFileName = mediaMessage.attachment?.fileName;
attchemntFileExtension = mediaMessage.attachment?.fileExtension;
attachmentFileUrl = mediaMessage.attachment?.fileUrl;
attachmentMimeType = mediaMessage.attachment?.fileMimeType;
final result = await channel.invokeMethod('sendMediaMessage', {
'receiverId': mediaMessage.receiverUid,
'receiverType': mediaMessage.receiverType,
'filePath': Platform.isIOS ? '${mediaMessage.file}' : mediaMessage.file,
'messageType': mediaMessage.type,
'caption': mediaMessage.caption,
'metadata': json.encode(mediaMessage.metadata ?? {}),
'hasAttachment': hasAttachment,
'attachmentFileName': attachmentFileName,
'attchemntFileExtension': attchemntFileExtension,
'attachmentFileUrl': attachmentFileUrl,
"attachmentMimeType": attachmentMimeType,
'muid': mediaMessage.muid,
'tags': mediaMessage.tags,
'parentMessageId': mediaMessage.parentMessageId,
final res = MediaMessage.fromMap(result);
if (onSuccess != null) onSuccess(res);
return res;
} on PlatformException catch (p) {
_errorCallbackHandler(null, p, null, onError);
} catch (e) {
_errorCallbackHandler(null, null, e, onError);
return null;