
An extremely simple Flutter package that deterministically converts arbitrary dynamic input into a Color. Published mainly for personal use to avoid reinventing the wheel in my projects.


Basic Example

import 'package:colorify/colorify.dart' as c;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
  final input = 'example-seed';
  final color = c.colorify(input);
  print(color); // Outputs a Color object deterministically derived from 'example-seed'.

Customizing Color Type

You can specify the type of colors generated by using the ColorType enum:

  • ColorType.all: Generates colors from the full spectrum.
  • ColorType.brights: Generates bright and vibrant colors.


import 'package:colorify/colorify.dart' as c;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
  final input = 'example-seed';

  // Generate a color from the full spectrum
  final allColors = c.colorify(input, colorType: c.ColorType.all);

  // Generate a bright color
  final brightColor = c.colorify(input, colorType: c.ColorType.brights);

