Color Theme Provider

Use your custom theme without relying on Material Design or Cupertino design tokens.

The ColorThemeProvider package lets you define your own color scheme according to your app's needs.


  • Define your own color properties. No need to depend on Google's ColorScheme or Apple's CupertinoThemeData
  • Automatically uses the theme parameter when the device is in light mode
  • Uses the darkTheme parameter when the device is in dark mode
  • Properly scoped and accessible within the widget tree

image caption


Import it

Add the package to your pubspec.yaml

      ref: 1.1.0

Defining your own theme

To make your own theme, create a base class that extends or implements the ColorTheme abstract class and define your required properties.

For example:

import 'package:color_theme_provider/color_theme_provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

abstract class MyTheme implements ColorTheme {
  Color get mainColor;
  Color get containerColor;
  Color get backgroundColor;
  Color get textColor;

final class LightMyTheme implements MyTheme {
  final Color mainColor = const Color(0xFF7BD3EA);

  final Color containerColor = const Color(0xFFA1EEBD);

  final Color backgroundColor = const Color(0xFFFCFCFC);

  final Color textColor =;

final class DarkMyTheme implements MyTheme {
  final Color mainColor = const Color(0xFF7BD3EA);

  final Color containerColor = const Color(0xFF007F73);

  final Color backgroundColor = const Color(0xFF2C2C2C);

  final Color textColor = Colors.white;

Accessing your theme through ColorThemeProvider

The ColorThemeProvider uses an InheritedNotifier under the hood. This means your custom theme can be accessed if your widgets have the same scope as the theme provider.

    theme: LightMyTheme,
    darkTheme: DarkMyTheme(),
    child: const MyApp(),

Using the color theme

If your widgets are under the ColorThemeProvider widget tree, you can access your theme through the context. You can get the nearest ColorTheme using the BuildContext's extension function colorTheme<T>.

final theme = context.colorTheme<MyTheme>();
//Access the properties of your custom theme

Setting the color theme dynamically

It is possible to change the theme used for light or darkmode while running the app through the ColorThemeManager. Obtain this instance using the BuildContext.

  final colorThemeManager = context.colorThemeManager<MyTheme>();

  /// Update current light theme

  /// Update current dark theme

Checking if platform is in dark mode

Use the ColorThemeManager to check whether the platform is in dark mode or not.

  final colorThemeManager = context.colorThemeManager<MyTheme>();

  /// Check whether app is in light or darkmode
  /// [Brightness.dark] for dark mode and [Brightness.light] for light mode;