Color palette formats


A package for decoding and encoding various color palette formats. It allows Flutter apps to read and write color data across a wide range of industry-standard formats.

Currently, the package supports the following formats:

  • Adobe Color Book (ACB)
  • Adobe Color Swatch (ACO)
  • Adobe Color Table (ACT)
  • Adobe Swatch Exchange (ASE)
  • GIMP Palette (GPL)
  • Homesite Palette (HPL)
  • JASC
  • Palette (PAL)
  • Paint.NET Palette
  • Procreate Swatches
  • Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF)
  • Sketch Palette


Reading a color palette file

// Example: Reading an ACO (Adobe Color Swatch) file.
final acoFile = File('path/to/');
final aco = AdobeColorSwatch.fromBytes(acoFile.readAsBytesSync());
assert(aco.version == supportedAdobeColorSwatchVersion);
assert(aco.colors.length == 52);

// Example: Reading a Procreate Swatches file.
final procreateFile = File('path/to/procreate1.swatches');
final procreate = decodeProcreateSwatches(procreateFile.readAsBytesSync());
assert(procreate.first.swatches.length == 30);

// Example: Reading a Sketch Palette file.
final sketchpaletteFile =  File('path/to/sketchpalette1_v1.4.sketchpalette');
final sketchpalette = SketchPalette.fromBytes(sketchpaletteFile.readAsBytesSync());
assert(sketchpalette.compatibleVersion == supportedSketchPaletteVersion);
assert(sketchpalette.pluginVersion == supportedSketchPaletteVersion);
assert(sketchpalette.colors.length == 6);

Writing a color palette file

final ase = AdobeSwatchExchange(
  version: supportedAdobeSwatchExchangeVersion,
  colors: [
      name: 'red',
      model: AdobeSwatchExchangeColorModel.rgb,
      values: [1, 0, 0],
      name: 'cyan',
      model: AdobeSwatchExchangeColorModel.cmyk,
      values: [1, 0, 0, 0],
      name: 'gray',
      model: AdobeSwatchExchangeColorModel.gray,
      values: [0.5],
// write to file
final aseFile = File('path/to/ase1_v1.ase');

Projects using this package

  • Hexee Pro - Palette editor & Advanced color toolkit for designers and developers.

Feel free to submit a pull request to add your project to this list.

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Created by @albemala (Twitter)