color_adjust Flutter Extension Documentation

The color_adjust is an extension on the Flutter Color class that provides a collection of color manipulation methods.


To use these methods, you need to import the color_adjust extension and apply these methods on a Color object.

Screenshot of Example


import 'package:color_adjust/color_adjust.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    Color baseColor =;
    Color mixColor =;

    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text("Color Adjust Examples"),
        body: ListView(
          children: <Widget>[
            Container(color: baseColor, height: 50),
            Container(color: baseColor.darken(0.2), height: 50),
            Container(color: baseColor.lighten(0.2), height: 50),
            Container(color: baseColor.invert(), height: 50),
            Container(color: baseColor.compliment(), height: 50),
            Container(color: baseColor.desaturate(0.2), height: 50),
            Container(color: baseColor.saturate(0.2), height: 50),
            Container(color: baseColor.mix(mixColor, 0.5), height: 50),
            Container(color: baseColor.whiten(0.5), height: 50),
            Container(color: baseColor.tone(0.5), height: 50),
            Container(color: baseColor.blacken(0.5), height: 50),


The extension adds the following methods:

  • darken([double amount = .5]): Darkens the color by the provided amount (0-1), defaulting to 50%.
  • lighten([double amount = .5]): Lightens the color by the provided amount (0-1), defaulting to 50%.
  • invert(): Inverts a color, producing its "negative". It does not preserve lightness. If you want to do that, use the compliment method.
  • compliment(): Gets the complimentary (opposite on the color wheel) of a color. This is like inverting, however it keeps the same lightness value.
  • desaturate([double amount = .5]): Desaturates a color by the provided amount (0-1), defaulting to 50%.
  • saturate([double amount = .5]): Saturates a color by the provided amount (0-1), defaulting to 50%.
  • mix(Color another, [double amount = 0.5]): Mixes a color with another one by the provided amount (0-1), defaulting to 50%.
  • whiten([double amount = 0.5]): Whitens a color by mixing it with white by the provided amount (0-1), defaulting to 50%.
  • tone([double amount = 0.5]): Tones down a color by mixing it with grey by the provided amount (0-1), defaulting to 50%.
  • blacken([double amount = 0.5]): Blackens a color by mixing it with black by the provided amount (0-1), defaulting to 50%.
  • isDark: Checks if a color is considered dark using the luminance.
  • isBright: Checks if a color is considered bright.

