HexColor constructor

  1. String hexCode

Creates a HexColor using a String describing its RGB value in hex.

The hexCode should be a string of 6 characters, each of which is a valid hex character (0 through 9 and A through F). Capital and lowercase letters will work equally well. Characters after the first 6 characters will be ignored. If non-valid hex characters are encountered, a FormatException will be thrown.

The hexCode should not be preceeded with a pound sign (#).


factory HexColor(String hexCode) {
  if (hexCode.startsWith('#')) {
    hexCode = hexCode.substring(1);
  var hexDigits = hexCode.split('');
  var r = int.parse(hexDigits.sublist(0, 2).join(), radix: 16);
  var g = int.parse(hexDigits.sublist(2, 4).join(), radix: 16);
  var b = int.parse(hexDigits.sublist(4).join(), radix: 16);
  return HexColor.fromRgb(r, g, b);