
This package provides a set of reusable widgets that can be used across all platforms. These widgets are designed to simplify and speed up the development process for creating collaction applications in Flutter.


To use this package, add collaction_common as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


Import the package in your Dart code using:

import 'package:collaction_common/widgets/<widget>.dart';

Then, you can use any of the widgets provided in the package, such as:

    countryCode: 'UG',
    radius: 10,


The following widgets are included in this package:


Display the flag of a country in an avatar shape.

  countryCode: 'US',
  radius: 32.0,


Parameter Description
key Widget access key.
countryCode* Valid two-letter country code as defined in ISO 3166-1.
radius Circular avatar radius.


Display a text label in a chip with an optional avatar leading and delete button.

  text: 'Hello World',
  leading: Icon(Icons.ac_unit),
  onDeleted: () => print('Chip deleted'),
  labelColor: Colors.white,
  noMaterialTapTargetSize: true,


Parameter Description
key Widget access key.
text* Label text.
onDeleted Deletion callback.
labelColor Label text color.
color Background color.
noMaterialTapTargetSize Sets the the MaterialTapTargetSize used for the chip will be set to MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap when true, otherwise MaterialTapTargetSize.padded will be used.


ElevatedButton wrapper to display a pill-shaped button with text and an optional leading widget.

// Elevated button
  text: 'Click me',
  leading: Icon(Icons.ac_unit),
  onTap: () => print('Button tapped'),
  isEnabled: true,
  isLoading: false,

// Elevated Icon button
  text: 'Click me',
  leading: Icon(Icons.ac_unit),
  onTap: () => print('Button tapped'),
  isEnabled: true,
  isLoading: false,


Parameter Description
key Widget access key.
text* Button label.
leading Widget to prepend to the button label. Most preferably an icon.
Only required when using the PillButton.icon factory.
onTap Button click callback.
isEnabled Whether the button is allowing user interaction or not.
isLoading Whether the button is loading.


All contributions are welcome, whether it is filing a bug report, filing a feature request, opening a pull request, or any other contribution.

We have a couple of documents which will guide you towards a good first contribution, our contributing documentation walks you through all of our conventions that we require you to uphold when contributing.

Additionally, if you want to do development, we have written a document that will help you setup your local environment.