CoinGeckoApi class


CoinGeckoApi({int connectTimeout = 30000, int receiveTimeout = 10000, bool? rateLimitManagement = true, bool enableLogging = true})
CoinGeckoApi() -> Initialize API


dio ↔ Dio?
getter/setter pair
enableLogging bool
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
requestCount int
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


getCoinData({required String id, bool localization = false, bool tickers = true, bool marketData = true, bool communityData = true, bool developerData = true, bool sparkline = false}) Future<CoinGeckoResult<Coin>>
Get current data (name, price, market, ... including exchange tickers) for a coin @id *-string - coin id ex : bitcoin @localization -boolean(d:T) - include all localized languages in response @tickers -boolean(d:T) - include ticker data @market_data -boolean(d:T) - include market data @community_data -boolean(d:T) - include community data @developer_data -boolean(d:T) - include developer data @sparkline -boolean(d:F) - inmclude sparkline 7 days data
getCoinHistory({required String id, required DateTime date, bool localization = true}) Future<CoinGeckoResult<Coin>>
Get historical data (name, price, market, stats) at a given date for a coin @id *- string - coin id, ex : bitcoin @date *- string - dd-mm-yyyy @localization - boolean- set false to exclude localized languages
getCoinMarketChart({required String id, required String vsCurrency, required int days, ChartTimeInterval interval = ChartTimeInterval.EMPTY}) Future<CoinGeckoResult<List<CoinDataPoint>>>
Get historical market data include price, market cap, and 24h volume (granularity auto)
getCoinMarketChartRanged({required String id, required String vsCurrency, required DateTime from, required DateTime to}) Future<CoinGeckoResult<List<CoinDataPoint>>>
Get historical market data include price, market cap, and 24h volume (granularity auto)
getCoinMarkets({required String vsCurrency, List<String> coinIds = const [], CoinCategories category = CoinCategories.ALL, CoinMarketOrder order = CoinMarketOrder.MARKET_CAP_DESC, int itemsPerPage = 100, int page = 1, bool sparkline = false, List<String> priceChangePercentage = const []}) Future<CoinGeckoResult<List<FullCoin>>>
List all supported coins price, market cap, volume, and market related data @vs_currency *- string - target currency of market data @ids - string - ids of coins separated by comma @category - string - filter by coin category, only decentralized_finance_defi and stablecoins are supported at the moment @order - string - sort results by field market_cap_desc, gecko_desc, gecko_asc, market_cap_asc, market_cap_desc, volume_asc, volume_desc, id_asc, id_desc @per_page - integer- 1...250, default 100 items per page @page - integer- page number @sparkline - boolean- include sparkline 7 days data (default:false) @price_change_percentage - string - Include price change percentage in 1h, 24h, 7d, 14d, 30d, 200d, 1y
getCoinTickers({required String id, List<String> exchangeIds = const [], int page = 1, TickerOrdering order = TickerOrdering.TRUST_SCORE_DESC, bool depth = true}) Future<CoinGeckoResult<List<CoinTicker>>>
Get coin tickers @id *- string - coin id ex : bitcoin @exchange_ids - string - exchange ids separate by comma @include_exchange_logo - boolean- true/false @page - 100 tickers per page, page no. @order - valid values: trust_score_desc (default), trust_score_asc and volume_desc @depth - flag to show 2% orderbook depth. valid values: true, false
getContractMarketChart({required String id, required String contract_address, required String vsCurrency, required int days}) Future<CoinGeckoResult<List<CoinDataPoint>>>
@id *- id @contract_address *- string @vs_currency *- string @days *- int
getContractMarketChartRanged({required String id, required String contract_address, required String vsCurrency, required DateTime from, required DateTime to}) Future<CoinGeckoResult<List<CoinDataPoint>>>
@id *- String - (only ethereum allowed for now) otherwise 500 error @contract_address *- String @vs_currency *- String @from *- int @to *- int
getContractTokenData({required String id, required String contract_address}) Future<CoinGeckoResult<ContractToken>>
getExchangeRatesBtc() Future<CoinGeckoResult<ExchangeRates>>
no params Get BTC-to-Currency exchange rates
getExchanges({int page = 1, int per_page = 100}) Future<CoinGeckoResult<List<Exchange>>>
@page - int @per_page - int
getGlobalCoins() Future<CoinGeckoResult<GlobalCoins>>
getGlobalDefi() Future<CoinGeckoResult<GlobalDefi>>
getSearchTrending() Future<CoinGeckoResult<SearchTrending>>
listCoins({bool includePlatformFlag = false}) Future<CoinGeckoResult<List<Coin>>>
@param includePlatformFlag *- bool
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
ping() Future<bool>
  • Coingecko API ( GET /ping )
  • simplePrice({required List<String> ids, required List<String> vs_currencies, bool includeMarketCap = false, bool include24hVol = false, bool include24hChange = false, bool includeLastUpdatedAt = false}) Future<CoinGeckoResult<List<PricedCoin>>>
    simpleSupportedVsCurrencies() Future<CoinGeckoResult<List<String>>>
    simpleTokenPrice({required String id, required List<String> contractAddresses, required List<String> vs_currencies, bool includeMarketCap = false, bool include24hVol = false, bool include24hChange = false, bool includeLastUpdatedAt = false}) Future<CoinGeckoResult<List<SimpleToken>>>
    only ethereum works for /{id} as of Apr 16 2021 Api Limitation, not library
    toString() String
    A string representation of this object.


    operator ==(Object other) bool
    The equality operator.