createCheckout method

Future<CheckoutObject> createCheckout({
  1. required String description,
  2. required String name,
  3. int? amount,
  4. required PricingType pricingType,
  5. required CurrencyType currency,

Checkouts make it possible to sell a single fixed price item or accept arbitrary amounts of cryptocurrency very easily. Checkouts can have many charges and each charge is automatically generated on a per customer basis. Creates a new checkout.

amount amount to be charged.

name name of what you are charging for

description describe the good or service

pricingType indicate if there is a fixed price or no fixed price

currency optional value to use. only important when the priceType is PriceType.fixed


Future<CheckoutObject> createCheckout(
    {required String description,
    required String name,
    int? amount,
    required PricingType pricingType,
    required CurrencyType currency}) async {
  CheckoutObject coinbaseResponse;
  Map data;
  Map<String, dynamic> body = {
    "name": name,
    "description": description,
    "pricing_type": getPricingType(pricingType),
    "requested_info": ['email', 'name']
  if (pricingType == PricingType.fixedPrice) {
    assert(amount != null);
    body["local_price"] = {
      "amount": amount,
      "currency": getCurrency(currency)
  Map response = await postToDB(
      api: '',
      apiKey: _apiKey,
      body: body);
  if (response.containsKey('error')) {
    data = response['error'];
  } else {
    data = response['data'];
  coinbaseResponse = CheckoutObject.fromJson(data);
  return coinbaseResponse;