Codux is a state management library inspired by Redux.


Declare your various events.

You can list all the events that will happen in your app.

Implement your tiny store.

You can store the current state of a particular model separately.

Intercept the side effects.

You should finish all the job with side effects before changing the state.

Keep your stores and effects for a certain period.

You can also specify when your stores and effects is constructed and destoryed.

Getting started

flutter pub add codux


Declare your various events.

class Increment {
  const Increment();

Implement your tiny store.

class CounterStore extends Store<int> {
  CounterStore() : super(initialState: 0) {
    on<Increment>((current, event) {
      return current.state + 1;
    on<Decrement>((current, event) {
      return current.state - 1;

Intercept the side effects.

class FindMoviesEffect extends Effect {
  FindMoviesEffect() {
    on<FindMovies>((event) {
      Client.get("/movies").then((data) {

Keep your stores and effects for a certain cycle.

class MovieListPage extends Component {
  const MovieListPage({super.key});

  void onCreated(BuildContext context) {
    useStore(() => MovieListStore());
    useEffect(() => FindMoviesEffect());


  Widget render(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: StreamBuilder(
        stream: find<MovieListStore>().stream,
        builder: (context, snapshot) {
          if (snapshot.hasData) {
            return ListView(
              children: [
                for (final element in

