CodeMirror class

A wrapper around the CodeMirror editor.



CodeMirror.fromElement(Element element, {Map? options})
Create a new CodeMirror editor in the given element. See for valid options values.
CodeMirror.fromJsObject(JsObject? object)
Create a new CodeMirror editor from the given JsObject. This will return an existing Dart CodeMirror object if there is already one for the given JavaScript proxy.
CodeMirror.fromTextArea(TextAreaElement? textArea, {Map? options})
The method provides another way to initialize an editor. It takes a textarea DOM node as first argument and an optional configuration object as second. It will replace the textarea with a CodeMirror instance, and wire up the form of that textarea (if any) to make sure the editor contents are put into the textarea when the form is submitted. The text in the textarea will provide the content for the editor. A CodeMirror instance created this way has three additional methods: save, toTextArea, and getTextArea.


doc Doc
Retrieve the currently active document from an editor.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
jsProxy JsObject?
onChange Stream
Fires every time the content of the editor is changed.
no setter
onCursorActivity Stream
Will be fired when the cursor or selection moves, or any change is made to the editor content.
no setter
onDoubleClick Stream<MouseEvent>
Fired when a mouse is double-clicked. You can preventDefault the event to signal that CodeMirror should do no further handling.
no setter
onGutterClick Stream<int?>
Fires when the editor gutter (the line-number area) is clicked.
no setter
onMouseDown Stream<MouseEvent>
Fired when a mouse is clicked. You can preventDefault the event to signal that CodeMirror should do no further handling.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addLineClass(dynamic line, String where, String cssClass) LineHandle
Set a CSS class name for the given line. line can be a number or a LineHandle. where determines to which element this class should be applied, can can be one of "text" (the text element, which lies in front of the selection), "background" (a background element that will be behind the selection), "gutter" (the line's gutter space), or "wrap" (the wrapper node that wraps all of the line's elements, including gutter elements). cssClass should be the name of the class to apply.
addLineWidget(dynamic line, Element node, {bool? coverGutter, bool? noHScroll, bool? above, bool? handleMouseEvents, int? insertAt, String? className}) LineWidget
Adds a line widget, an element shown below a line, spanning the whole of the editor's width, and moving the lines below it downwards. line should be either an integer or a LineHandle, and node should be a DOM node, which will be displayed below the given line.
addWidget(Position pos, Element node, [bool scrollIntoView = false]) → void
Puts node, which should be an absolutely positioned DOM node, into the editor, positioned right below the given {line, ch} position. When scrollIntoView is true, the editor will ensure that the entire node is visible (if possible). To remove the widget again, simply use DOM methods (move it somewhere else, or call removeChild on its parent).
call(String methodName) → dynamic
callArg(String methodName, dynamic arg) → dynamic
callArgs(String methodName, List args) → dynamic
clearGutter(String gutterID) → void
Remove all gutter markers in the gutter with the given ID.
dispose() → void
If you create and discard a large number of CodeMirror instances, you should call dispose after finishing with each one.
execCommand(String name) → void
Runs the command with the given name on the editor.
focus() → void
Give the editor focus.
getCursor([String? start]) Position
Retrieve one end of the primary selection. start is a an optional string indicating which end of the selection to return. It may be "from", "to", "head" (the side of the selection that moves when you press shift+arrow), or "anchor" (the fixed side of the selection). Omitting the argument is the same as passing "head". A {line, ch} object will be returned.
getDoc() Doc
Retrieve the currently active document from an editor.
getHelper(Position pos, String type) JsObject?
Returns the first applicable helper value.
getHelpers(Position pos, String type) List<JsObject>
Fetch the set of applicable helper values for the given position. Helpers provide a way to look up functionality appropriate for a mode. The type argument provides the helper namespace (see registerHelper), in which the values will be looked up. When the mode itself has a property that corresponds to the type, that directly determines the keys that are used to look up the helper values (it may be either a single string, or an array of strings). Failing that, the mode's helperType property and finally the mode's name are used.
getIndentUnit() int?
How many spaces a block (whatever that means in the edited language) should be indented. The default is 2.
getIndentWithTabs() bool
Whether, when indenting, the first N*tabSize spaces should be replaced by N tabs. Default is false.
getInputField() Element?
Returns the input field for the editor. Will be a textarea or an editable div, depending on the value of the inputStyle option.
getKeyMap() String?
Return the current key map.
getLine(int? n) String?
Get the content of line n.
getLineNumbers() bool?
Whether to show line numbers to the left of the editor.
getLineTokens(int line, [bool? precise]) List<Token>
This is similar to getTokenAt, but collects all tokens for a given line into an array. It is much cheaper than repeatedly calling getTokenAt, which re-parses the part of the line before the token for every call.
getMode() String?
getOption(String option) → dynamic
Retrieves the current value of the given option for this editor instance.
getReadOnly() bool
Whether editing is disabled.
getScrollInfo() ScrollInfo
Get a ScrollInfo object that represents the current scroll position, the size of the scrollable area, and the size of the visible area (minus scrollbars).
getTabSize() int
The width of a tab character. Defaults to 4.
getTextArea() TextAreaElement?
Returns the textarea that the instance was based on.
getTheme() String?
getTokenAt(Position pos, [bool? precise]) Token
Retrieves information about the token the current mode found before the given position.
getTokenTypeAt(Position pos) String?
This is a (much) cheaper version of getTokenAt useful for when you just need the type of the token at a given position, and no other information. Will return null for unstyled tokens, and a string, potentially containing multiple space-separated style names, otherwise.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onEvent<T>(String eventName, {int argCount = 1}) Stream<T?>
refresh() → void
If your code does something to change the size of the editor element (window resizes are already listened for), or unhides it, you should probably follow up by calling this method to ensure CodeMirror is still looking as intended.
removeLineClass(dynamic line, String where, [String? cssClass]) LineHandle
Remove a CSS class from a line. line can be a LineHandle or number. where should be one of "text", "background", or "wrap" (see addLineClass). cssClass can be left off to remove all classes for the specified node, or be a string to remove only a specific class.
save() → void
Copy the content of the editor into the textarea.
scrollIntoView(int line, int ch, {int? margin}) → void
Scrolls the given position into view. The margin parameter is optional. When given, it indicates the amount of vertical pixels around the given area that should be made visible as well.
scrollTo(num? x, num? y) → void
Scroll the editor to a given (pixel) position. Both arguments may be left as null or undefined to have no effect.
setGutterMarker(int line, String gutterID, Element value) → void
Sets the gutter marker for the given gutter (identified by its CSS class, see the gutters option) to the given value. Value can be either null, to clear the marker, or a DOM element, to set it. The DOM element will be shown in the specified gutter next to the specified line.
setIndentUnit(int value) → void
How many spaces a block (whatever that means in the edited language) should be indented.
setIndentWithTabs(bool? value) → void
Whether, when indenting, the first N*tabSize spaces should be replaced by N tabs.
setKeyMap(String value) → void
Valid options are default, vim, emacs, and sublime.
setLineNumbers(bool? value) → void
Whether to show line numbers to the left of the editor.
setMode(String mode) → void
setOption(String option, dynamic value) → void
Change the configuration of the editor. option should the name of an option, and value should be a valid value for that option.
setReadOnly(bool value, [bool noCursor = false]) → void
This disables editing of the editor content by the user.
setSize(num? width, num? height) → void
Programmatically set the size of the editor (overriding the applicable CSS rules). width and height are numbers (interpreted as pixels). You can pass null for either of them to indicate that that dimension should not be changed.
setSizeInCssUnits(String? width, String? height) → void
Programmatically set the size of the editor (overriding the applicable CSS rules). width and height should be CSS units ("100%", for example). You can pass null for either of them to indicate that that dimension should not be changed.
setTabSize(int value) → void
The width of a tab character.
setTheme(String theme) → void
swapDoc(Doc doc) → void
Attach a new document to the editor.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toTextArea() → void
Remove the editor, and restore the original textarea (with the editor's current content).


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

commands List<String>
no setter
COMMANDS List<String>
no setter
MIME_MODES List<String>
no setter
mimeModes List<String>
no setter
modes List<String>
no setter
MODES List<String>
no setter
version String?
It contains a string that indicates the version of the library. This is a triple of integers "major.minor.patch", where patch is zero for releases, and something else (usually one) for dev snapshots.
no setter

Static Methods

addCommand(String name, CommandHandler callback) → void
Add a new custom command to CodeMirror.
defineDocExtension(String name, dynamic value) → void
Like defineExtension, but the method will be added to the interface for Doc objects instead.
defineExtension(String name, dynamic value) → void
If you want to define extra methods in terms of the CodeMirror API, it is possible to use defineExtension. This will cause the given value (usually a method) to be added to all CodeMirror instances created from then on.
findModeByExtension(String ext) ModeInfo
findModeByFileName(String name) ModeInfo
findModeByMime(String mime) ModeInfo
findModeByName(String name) ModeInfo
registerHelper(String type, String mode, dynamic helper) → void
Registers a helper value with the given name in the given namespace (type). This is used to define functionality that may be looked up by mode. Will create (if it doesn't already exist) a property on the CodeMirror object for the given type, pointing to an object that maps names to values. I.e. after doing CodeMirror.registerHelper("hint", "foo", myFoo), the value will point to myFoo.


KEY_MAPS → const List<String>
keyMaps → const List<String>
THEMES → const List<String>
themes → const List<String>