CodeJet CLI
Developed by: Mahamudul Hasan from CodeJet Dev
A simplified, clean Flutter file structure framework based on Bloc pattern.
// To install:
dart pub global activate codejet_cli
// (to use this add the following to system PATH: [FlutterSDKInstallDir]\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin
flutter pub global activate codejet_cli
// To create a flutter project in the current directory:
codejet create project
// To create a screen:
// (Screen have screen, bloc, event & route)
codejet create screen
// To create a new bloc
codejet create bloc
// To create a new event:
codejet create event
// To add a new route:
codejet create route
// Shows the current CLI version:
codejet -v
// or `codejet --version`
// For help
codejet help
Exploring the CLI
let's explore the existing commands in the cli
Create project
codejet create project
Create Screen
codejet create screen
this command allows you to create a screen with a bloc, event & route.
Create Bloc
codejet create bloc
Create Event
codejet create event
Create Route
codejet create route
Thanks for using CodeJet. Contact us if you want to develop your application with us. Happy coding...