run method

Future<int> run(
  1. String executable,
  2. List<String> args, {
  3. Directory? workingDirectory,
  4. bool showOutput = false,

Runs a given executable with the given args. If the flag showOutput is true, the stdout and sterr streams will be outputted to the console


Future<int> run(
  String executable,
  List<String> args, {
  Directory? workingDirectory,
  bool showOutput = false,
}) async {
  final process = await Process.start(
    whichSync(executable) ?? executable,
    workingDirectory: workingDirectory?.absolute.path,

  final nullPrinter = (_) {};
  final errorPen = AnsiPen();
  final errorPrinter = (line) => print(errorPen(line));
    printer: showOutput ? print : nullPrinter,
    printer: showOutput ? errorPrinter : nullPrinter,

  return await process.exitCode;