extract method

Future<CoverageExtractionResult> extract({
  1. required Directory packageDirectory,
  2. required bool showTestOutput,
  3. List<String>? includeRegexes,
  4. List<String>? excludeRegexes,
  5. bool? ignoreBarrelFiles,

Runs the given package tests with the processRunner, parses the coverage output with the hitmapReader and creates a CoverageReport with the coverageReportFactory with the resulting hitmaps. Return a CoverageExtractionResult containing the coverage report and the status of the tests executed as a TestResultStatus. If the showTestOutput flag is true, the tests outputs will be shows in the console


Future<CoverageExtractionResult> extract({
  required Directory packageDirectory,
  required bool showTestOutput,
  List<String>? includeRegexes,
  List<String>? excludeRegexes,
  bool? ignoreBarrelFiles,
}) async {
  if (!hasTestDirectory(packageDirectory)) {
    throw Exception(
        'Could not find "test" directory in "${packageDirectory.absolute.path}"');
  final coverageOutputDirectory = _getCoverageOutputDir(packageDirectory);
  final packageData = getPackageData(directory: packageDirectory);
  if (packageData == null) {
    throw Exception(
        'Could not find package name in pubspec.yaml. Working directory: ${packageDirectory.absolute.path}');

  print('Running tests for package ${packageData.name}...');
  final testRunner = _createTestRunner(packageData);
  final testResult = await testRunner.runTests(
    coverageOutputDirectory: coverageOutputDirectory,
    showTestOutput: showTestOutput,
  final coverageReport = coverageReportFactory.create(
    hitmap: testResult.hitmap,
    package: packageData.name,
    packageDirectory: packageData.directory,
    includeRegexes: includeRegexes,
    excludeRegexes: excludeRegexes,
    ignoreBarrelFiles: ignoreBarrelFiles,

  if (coverageOutputDirectory.existsSync()) {
    await coverageOutputDirectory.delete(recursive: true);
  return CoverageExtractionResult(
    testResultStatus: testResult.exitCode == 1
        ? TestResultStatus.ERROR
        : TestResultStatus.SUCCESS,
    coverageReport: coverageReport,