start method

  1. @override
Future<void> start()

Call start() when you have configured Cobrowse and would like to start accepting incoming session requests. Calling start will register the device into your cobrowse dashboard and open a socket to accept incoming connection requests from your support agents.

You can delay this call until just before you need Cobrowse to run if you wish. For example, when using 6 digit code initiated sessions you may choose to call start only when your UI to show the code is about to be presented. Note: You must call start() before you can generate a 6 digit code.

Throws a PlatformException if the SDK cannot be started.


Future<void> start() async {
  methodChannel.setMethodCallHandler((call) =>
      implementations[call.method]?.call(call) ??
      Future.error('No implementation of ${call.method} method'));
  try {
    await methodChannel.invokeMethod('start');
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    print('Cannot start $e');