CoapConfigAll class

Configuration loading class. The config file itself is a YAML file. The configuration items below are marked as optional to allow the config file to contain only those entries that override the defaults. The file can't be empty, so version must as a minimum be present.





ackRandomFactor double
The initial timeout is set to a random number between RESPONSE_TIMEOUT and (RESPONSE_TIMEOUT * RESPONSE_RANDOM_FACTOR)
no setteroverride
ackTimeout int
The initial time (ms) for a CoAP message
no setteroverride
ackTimeoutScale double
no setteroverride
blockwiseStatusLifetime int
no setteroverride
channelReceivePacketSize int
no setteroverride
cropRotationPeriod int
no setteroverride
deduplicator String
no setteroverride
defaultPort int
Protocol options The default CoAP port for normal CoAP communication (not secure).
getter/setter pairinherited-setteroverride-getter
defaultSecurePort int
The default CoAP port for secure CoAP communication (coaps).
getter/setter pairinherited-setteroverride-getter
dtlsBackend DtlsBackend?
Indicates which DtlsBackend a new CoapClient should use.
no setterinherited
dtlsCiphers String?
Can be used to specify the Ciphers that should be used by OpenSSL.
no setterinherited
dtlsUseOpenSSL bool
Whether OpenSSL bindings via the dtls package should be used for CoAPS.
no setterinherited
dtlsVerify bool
Whether certificates should be verified by OpenSSL.
no setteroverride
dtlsWithTrustedRoots bool
Whether OpenSSL should be used with trusted Root Certificates.
no setteroverride
exchangeLifetime int
no setteroverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
httpPort int
The port which HTTP proxy is on.
no setteroverride
markAndSweepInterval int
no setteroverride
maxMessageSize int
no setteroverride
maxRetransmit int
The max time that a message would be retransmitted
no setteroverride
notificationCheckIntervalCount int
no setteroverride
notificationCheckIntervalTime int
no setteroverride
notificationMaxAge int
no setteroverride
notificationReregistrationBackoff int
no setteroverride
poolUdpConnectionsByClient bool
no setterinherited
preferredBlockSize int
The preferred size of block in blockwise transfer.
no setteroverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
tinyDtlsInstance TinyDTLS?
Custom TinyDTLS instance that can be registered if tinyDTLS should not be available at the default locations.
no setterinherited
useRandomIDStart bool
no setteroverride


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.